This PV-system in Bavaria was one of our first plants with the retrofitted reflectors.
The following pictures show one of our roof-top mounted PV-systems in the region of Kaiserslautern. (Tip to enlarge)
A part of the modules haven't been retroffited with the innovative reflectors for experimental purposes. Only this way you can measure and compare the yield of two identical strings and quantify them exactly. The computed data proof the extra yield of the retrofitted reflectors.
The system and measured data can be visited by a settled appointment. Please contact us.
plusAmpere GmbH
Sauerwiesen 2
D-67661 Kaiserslautern
Telefon: +49 6301 703-281
Telefax: +49 6301 703-289
Geschäftsführer: Klaus Scholl
HRB 32188, Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern
Ust-Id-Nr. DE310558378