Increase the yields and efficiency of your existing elevated photovoltaic plant! No matter if it is a rooftop or an open field installation, the principle of it is easy to understand:
The above photo showcases a PV system that has been successfully retrofitted with reflectors to increase the energy yield.
The increase of potential energy yield from existing plants can be pre-calculated by means of a specially developed software. Below are a few examples of light reflections from the specialised software that was tested at different solar states.
The reflected sunlight on the modules changes with the course of the sun. The light grey area represents the reflector, and the blue representing the module field. The white border is the module area, which is additionally applied to the mirrored light at a specified time. The entire area covered by the reflected light in the outlined light blue section. This may extend beyond the modules depending on the year and time of the day. (click to enlarge)
Comparative measurement: Inverter with 2 MPP-Tracker. Tracker A (blue) was installed with reflectors, Tracker B (red) without ones.
Yield difference:15,4%!
Upon request, we can create an individual project study that will assist in identifying the additional yield for your own specific PV-system.
plusAmpere GmbH
Sauerwiesen 2
D-67661 Kaiserslautern
Telefon: +49 6301 703-281
Telefax: +49 6301 703-289
Geschäftsführer: Klaus Scholl
HRB 32188, Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern
Ust-Id-Nr. DE310558378