Your flooring, cealing or walls are getting warm at the touch of a button. The instantly warming areas supply an absolute pleasant radiation heat. Protracted intermediate steps to warm up the screed or to distribute the heated air is not necessary anymore. You can now save a lot of time and energy. Steering your heating underway or in periods. Warmth and comfort just-in-time!


You can pierce the foil for mounting shelves etc. without any inteferences. There is no danger of power transmissions as thanks of the safety extra-low voltage. Ideally suitable for baths, saunas or other wet rooms. The mounting height is less, than 1 mm, thus you can easily renovate. Furthermore you save a lot of space by exchanging the radiators, night storage heaters and other devices.



If you are in possession of a PV-system, you can use your own current for heating.

In combination with a battery you can efficiently control this effect by storing your energy by day and consuming in the evening and night. You save energy losses for preparing and distributing the heat through the water lines, caches and boilers. Therefore, the efficiency from electricity to warmth is nearly 100%.



Die folgende Präsentation enthält eine detaillierte Darstellung über die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Folienheizsystems.
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 3.7 MB


  • low investment- and operating costs
  • safety extra-low voltage
  • environmentally friendly
  • no waste of spaces of night storage heaters etc.
  • simple (subsequent) installation
  • continuous avoidance of mould formation
  • low mounting height
  • absolute maintenance-free
  • no dust turbulences
  • pleasant and healthy radiation heat
  • fast response time
  • no losses of preparing and distribution
  • little work to install cables

If you want to have more information about the IR-foil-heating, please  contact us!